Monday 15 October 2012


Well, so much has happened since I last typed a blog post that I wouldn't know where to begin!  So instead of going over it all I will resume from today! 

First things first, I have moved!

Not really just my craft space, I now occupy a lovely little room all of my own!  So much craft stuff, so many hobbies meant I needed a dedicated space where I could leave things out without finding some felt tip marks everywhere when I got back from a five second break!

I have been very lucky to get a room of my own, but it is taking so much longer than I thought to get organised and I am missing creating rather than sorting!

The room already looks better than this and once it is all sorted I will post new pics.

Now just need some decent light and get some more dresses loaded onto the shop too.

The Dolls Dressmaker

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