Friday, 24 February 2012

Painting and a Dolls Wardrobe

So lots of activity going on here, like the Sydney Harbour bridge I just finish painting one part of the house and have to start all over again, or does it just feel like it?

There are however painting jobs that I enjoy doing and I thought I might share my most recent project with you! 

As previously mentioned I, like so many others have become a little bit hooked on Pinterest and what with all the other amazing images of dolls and their apparel on the interent it left me feeling like we needed some more props for our dolly wares.  I looked and looked for a wardrobe that fitted my requirements but either ruinously expensive or just plain ugly I couldn't find anything ready made that I liked.

So when in these situations I sometimes decide to have a go myself!  If it all goes terribly wrong well, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say!

Exhibit A, a perfectly decent dolls wardrobe and not very expensive but it is lacking a certain something.  As it was in stock at our local toy shop and I was feeling brave I decided to go for it!

Out came the sander as the pink hearts are painted on.  I had half a tin of Farrow and Balls Cornforth White, a spare set of door handles and with the addition of some little wooden feet from Hobbycraft I got to work.

What do you think?

Overall I am pleased with the result and will be using this for display purposes and I suppose someone else will use it for playing!  Which is fine with me.

The Dolls Dressmaker

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Something in the air...

Is it just wishful thinking or is perhaps spring just around the corner???  Who knows but all my windows are clean and three new dresses have been made this weekend!

All three are fully reversible meaning they have a little detail on their lining.  I enjoyed making these three, the blue one especially...

Cute woodland ribbon on the reverse of the blue spots

Multi spots on the reverse of the brown ribbon dress

Dark pink flower ribbon on the reverse of the Liberty purple flowers

Some more fabric has been cut and laid out waiting for the elves to come and do their magic!  All this dress making makes a change from all the painting I have been doing...more of that to come!

The Dolls Dressmaker

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

The Dress

So finally I have added some of my dolls dresses onto Etsy.  The dresses themselves are just versions of the same pattern, a pattern which I based on one of my daughters dresses and to be easy for little hands to play with.

Pink squares with shell star button
They have either little capped sleeves or are sleeveless and have a velcro fastening at the back.

Reverside of above dress showing easy to use velcro

The generous cross-over, the velcro and the sleeves all mean that this dress fits quite a wide range of dolls.  We have a 36cm/14inch Miss Corolle doll, a Bebe Do doll, a My Child doll and the Froken Skicklig 45cm doll which I made.  Friends have let us try the dress on a Baby Annabel and a Baby Born doll.  The dress fits comfortably on all these dolls and fits as a tunic on the large Waldorf style doll.

A grey and pink dress with pink butterfly button and pink cotton edging

The dresses are all fully lined either with plain white cotton or sometimes with something a bit more interesting!

My overall goals for this dress were based on what I wanted for my daughter when I was looking for clothes for her Miss Corolle and Bebe Do dolls.  They had to be easy to play with, well -made, classic and interesting fabrics and for it to fit a wide range of dolls. 

I can only wait and see now if anyone else agrees with me!

The Dolls Dressmaker

Sunday, 12 February 2012

No going back now

Finally after what seems likes months my Paypal problems are all resolved and now I have launched my little shop!
All the washing and ironing is done!

So many ideas are now buzzing around in my head, now all I have to do is squeeze some time in between, half-term, naps, birthdays and all the usual stuff to realise them!

I always manage to find time to buy lovely fabric on the internet though....

The Dolls Dressmaker